European Languages

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European Languages

European Languages

DEUTSCH (German)


ESPAÑOL (Spanish)

SVENSKA (Swedish)

SUOMEA (Finnish)



PORTUGUÊS (Portuguese)

DEUTSCH (German) Course:

Facts about German language:

Deutsche Grammatik, deutsches Alphabet, deutsche Wörter, deutsche Aussprache Deutsch lernen ist gar nicht so schwer, wie viele denken.

German grammar, German alphabet, German words, German pronunciation - learning German is not as difficult as many people think. The German language can describe things that no other language has words for, it has a unique letter, reliable rules and three genders. There are 15.4 million people worldwide learn German as a foreign language, 100 million speak German as a native speaker. This makes German the most widely spoken mother tongue in Europe.

German Course – A1(1)

Main topics: Introduce yourself/countries/occupations, The alphabet & the numbers, Languages and countries, People and hobbies, The work, the workplace, Free time, At the hotel, The city maps, Food and drink/ in the restaurant.

Grammar: Personal pronouns and verbs in the present tense, The group of nouns: der/die/das/, Verbs, The negation Prepositions of place, Personal pronouns in the accusative case.

German course – A1(2)

Main topics: Daily schedule, Stress in the office, On the computer, Arranging appointments, The seasons and the weather, Destinations, travel preparations, Means of transport, Living & the home furnishings, Health, Excuses.

Grammar: Verbs, Prepositions of time, Sentence connectives: conjunctions, The group of nouns, Indicators of space, Adjectives.

Course Pattern: Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate,
Group & Individual Classes
Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
Purpose of Study: German for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
For more details Call us: +91-9110886581

Other Levels taught here: B1(1), B1(2), B2(1), B2(2)

German Language Course and Test based on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Pattern.


FRANÇAIS - (French) Course:

Facts about French language:

Le français est la langue internationale de la cuisine, de la mode, du théâtre, des arts visuels, de la danse et de l'architecture.

French is the international language of cooking, fashion, theatre, the visual arts, dance and architecture. A knowledge of French offers access to great works of literature in the original French, as well as films and songs. French is among the top languages for the number of countries where it has official status. It is also the only language, alongside English, that is taught in every country in the world. It boasts over 100 million students and 2 million teachers.

French Course – A1

Verbs: -er Verbs, -ir Verbs, -re Verbs
Important Irregular Verbs
Reflexive Verbs, Verbs and Time
Subject Pronouns: Je, tu, vous, on, nous, il, elle, ils, elles
Object Pronouns: me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les
Reflexive pronouns: me/m', nous, vous, se/s'
Demonstrative Pronouns: ce, cet, cette, ces
Articles: le, la, le / un, une, des
Nouns: masculine and Feminine
Set Idioms, General Idioms
Questions and Interrogatives
Adjectives and Adverbs
Prepositions and Conjunctions

Course Pattern: Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate,
Group & Individual Classes
Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
Purpose of Study: French for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
For more details Call us: +91-9110886581

Other Levels taught here: B1(1), B1(2), B2(1), B2(2)

French Language Course and Test based on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Pattern.

You will learn French Language Skills here and attend French Language Proficiency Test DELF (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française).


ESPAÑOL (Spanish) Course:

(Spanish is easy to learn. Join our Language Center).

Facts about Spanish language:

¡El español! es un idioma hermoso que suena muy parecido a como lo escribes! No hay vocales neutras, vocales nasales ni vocales abiertas. Es un idioma fácil de dominar, sin importar si estás aprendiendo a escribir, hablar o leer español.

Spanish is a beautiful language that sounds much like you write it! There aren't neutral vowels, nasal vowels, or open vowels. It's an easy language to master, regardless of whether you're learning how to write, speak, or read Spanish.

Spanish is a Romance language derived from Vulgar Latin. Spanish is spoken by 559 million people around the world. Spanish uses inverted exclamation and question marks. Like most languages, Spanish has its own very unique words which can't be translated in other languages

Spain is the only European country to have a physical border with an African country. Spain was the world's first global empire. Spanish is the world's second-most spoken native language. Spain boasts the world's third-largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Spain was also influential in Europe.

Spanish Course Syllabus– A1

  • Greet people
  • Introduce yourself
  • Say where you are from
  • Exchange phone numbers
  • Say which day it is
  • Greet others
  • Introduce others
  • Say where people are from
  • Express likes
  • Describe others
  • Give others’ likes and dislikes
  • Describe clothing
  • Describe family
  • Ask and tell ages
  • Talk about birthdays
  • Give dates
  • Express possession
  • Describe classes and classroom objects
  • Say how often you do something
  • Discuss obligation
  • Ask questions
  • Say where you are going
  • Request food
  • Discuss plans
  • Sequence events
  • Talk about places and people you know
  • Extend invitations
  • Talk on the phone
  • Express feelings
  • Say where you are coming from
  • Say what just happened
  • You will learn Spanish Language Skills here and attend Spanish Language Proficiency Test DELE (Diplomas de Español Como

    Lengua Extranjera).

    Spanish Language Course and Test based on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Pattern.

  • Talk about sports
  • Express preferences
  • Say what you know
  • Make comparisons
  • Describe the weather
  • Discuss clothing and accessories
  • State an opinion

  • Other Levels taught here: A2, B1

    Course Pattern:

    Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate,
    Group & Individual Classes
    Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
    Purpose of Study: Spanish for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
    For more details Call us: +91-9110886581


    SVENSKA (Swedish) Course:

    TISUS and Swedex are standardized tests that measure proficiency in the Swedish language. TISUS. The Test in Swedish for University Studies (TISUS) is intended to establish eligibility for Swedish-language university studies.

    Facts about Swedish language:

    Svenska är ett nordgermanskt språk som främst talas i Sverige och i delar av Finland. Det har minst 10 miljoner infödda talare, det fjärde mest talade germanska språket och det första bland alla andra i sitt slag i Norden totalt sett.

    Swedish is a North Germanic language that is mainly spoken in Sweden and in parts of Finland. It has at least 10 million native speakers, the fourth most spoken Germanic language and the first among all others of its kind in the Nordics overall.

    Swedish grammar is much less characterized by inflection. Modern Swedish has two genders and no longer conjugates verbs based on person or number. Its nouns have lost the morphological distinction between nominative and accusative cases that denoted grammatical subject and object in Old Norse in favor of marking by word order. Swedish uses some inflection with nouns, adjectives, and verbs. It is generally a subject-verb-object (SVO) language with V2 word order.

    Swedish Language course - A1

  • Plural forms
  • Articles and definite forms
  • Examples
  • Personal pronouns
  • Demonstrative, interrogative, and relative pronouns
  • Adjectives
  • Comparison
  • Cardinal & numbers numbers
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Directional adverbs
  • Prepositions of location
  • Prepositions of time
  • Causal prepositions
  • Placement of prepositions
  • Course Pattern:Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate, Group & Individual Classes
  • Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
  • Purpose of Study: Swedish for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
  • For more details Call us: +91-9110886581

    Other Levels taught here: A2, B1

    Swedish Language Course and Test based on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Pattern.


    SUOMEA (Finnish) Course

    (Finnish language is difficult to learn, but we teach with easy way! Join our Finnish Language Course).


    Suomen kieli kuuluu uralilaisen kieliperheen suomalaiseen haaraan. Se ei ole indoeurooppalainen kieli. Sen lähimpiä eläviä sukulaisia ​​ovat karjalaiset, vepsälaiset, inkerilaiset ja virolaiset sekä lähes sukupuuttoon kuolleet vadjalaiset ja liivilaiset. Suomen tasavallassa suomea puhuu 4,7 miljoonaa ihmistä. Sitä puhutaan myös Kanadassa, Virossa, Norjassa, Venäjän federaatiossa, Ruotsissa ja Yhdysvalloissa.

    The Finnish language belongs to the Finnish branch of the Uralic language family. It is not an Indo-European language. Its closest living relatives are the Karelians, Vepsians, Ingerians and Estonians, as well as the nearly extinct Vadjanians and Livonians. In the Republic of Finland, 4.7 million people speak Finnish. It is also spoken in Canada, Estonia, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the United States.

    In Finnish grammar, cases are divided into subgroups: grammatical, locative, role, and marginal. The nominative is the basic (dictionary) form of a noun, the genitive indicates possession, accusative is used when we refer to an object as a whole, and partitive is used when we refer to a part of an object.

    Finnish Language course – A1

  • Introduction
  • Pronunciation and sound structure
  • Word structure
  • Two important sound alternations
  • The declension of nominals
  • The conjugation of verbs
  • Sentence structure
  • The nominative case and the partitive case
  • The genitive case, total objects and possessive suffixes
  • The six local cases
  • Other cases
  • Numbers and numerals
  • Pronouns
  • Tenses
  • Moods
  • The passive
  • Infinitives
  • Participles
  • Comparison of adjectives
  • Other word classes and clitics
  • Word formation

  • Other Level taught here: A2,

    Course Pattern:

    Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate,
    Group & Individual Classes
    Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
    Purpose of Study: Finnish for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
    For more details Call us: +91-9110886581

    YKI test measures functional language proficiency in everyday situations at the basic, intermediate, or advanced level. You can take the YKI test in the following languages: English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Northern Sámi, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

    Finnish Language Course and Test based on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Pattern.


    You Can Learn More European Languages Here.


    ITALIANO (Italian)

    Course Pattern: Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate,
    Group & Individual Classes
    Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
    Purpose of Study: Italian for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
    For more details Call us: +91-9110886581

    NEDERLANDS (Dutch)

    Course Pattern: Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate,
    Group & Individual Classes
    Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
    Purpose of Study: Dutch for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
    For more details Call us: +91-9110886581


    PORTUGUÊS (Portuguese)

    Course Pattern: Classroom Training, Online Training- Corporate,
    Group & Individual Classes
    Classes Conducted: Weekdays and Weekend Classes.
    Purpose of Study: Portuguese for Higher studies, Work, Join your spouse, Migrants, Job and Language lovers!
    For more details Call us: +91-9110886581

    Our Clients

    Our Services

    We have multiple Development services in our Company which is mainly for your Career and Development.

    Complete Website

    We develop complete website with Front-end and Back-end. This will be very much responsive. We can develop with Coding or WordPress.

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    App Development

    We develop Mobile Apps as per your requirements. This will help you to show your Identity with multiple functions.

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    Domain & Hosting

    We help you to choose the domain for your website and provide hosting service in multiple flatform. Cloud Hosting, VPS Hosting, WordPress Hosting and More..

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    Digital Marketing

    Digital Marketing is widened its field through Social media, we help you to market your product and monitor regularly. This will enhance your business.

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    Offline Marketing

    If you have a business or any sort of office, we will help you to market it through manpower, Handbills, posters, banners more...

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    Online Marketing

    We market your all kind of business: Product, Services, Education Institutes, Companies..

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    Graphic Design

    We design your products and print hard copies to distribute in the market. We also design soft copy and provide through PPT, PDF, PSD, CDR formats.

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    Blog Writing

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    Content Writing

    We write content for websites, journals, profiles, handbills. You can relax and use our contents with high standard writings.

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    HR and Recruitments

    We have multiple Development services in our Company which is mainly for your Career and Development.

    Train and Deploy

    Some of the companies wanted candidates with customised technologies, for that we select a group of semi-skilled people and train them for few months and arrange an interview process in our institute and deploy them to companies.

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    Freshers Hiring

    There are lot of start-up companies and even MNCs hire freshers for their projects or employments. We help them to get in to job market..

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    Lateral Hiring

    We have tied up with multiple IT and Non-IT companies for lateral hiring. There are many openings waiting for the skilled and experience working people. If you meet our company requirements, we will hire you immediately.

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    Campus Hiring

    We also conduct campus interview process for the fresh graduates and if they are quite good in technologies, we process their resume and recruit them in various companies.

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    Permanent Staffing

    Few companies tied-up with us for contract employments. The candidates will be under our payroll and work with big companies. There are lot of demand for this process.

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    HR Services

    There are many students who study in our institute, we provide HR service for them. From resume writing to final interview level we help them to get a job. This is additional benefit for our students.

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    Why Customers are happy with Us

    Happy Clients: Our customer rating is going high as we do our job perfectly and deliver it on time with quality.

    Projects: On an average we have busy projects and customer demand is increasing day by day.

    Years of experience: Our first step is started a two decades ago and still continuing with good spirit.

    Awards: We never believe in Awards, but still companies and people are awarding us for our best job.


    Geetha C

    Ceo & Team Lead

    Learned Full stack course here, everything went well, Now I am leading software development team.

    Sunny Malik

    Website Designer

    We all need good support from faculties, Management and HR team when you are learning a course. I have got it.


    App Developer

    I have my own consultancy for developing Apps for my clients. I learned from GK Software Technologies, which helped me a lot.



    I have learned Business English here, It was amazing. What we think it is limited, but learned through GK Software Technologies is wide knowledge!


    Language Support

    Salut, j'ai appris le français ici. C'était une bonne expérience. Cela a aidé pour le projet dans mon bureau.


    GK Software Technologies started about 20 years ago with different names and continued serving students, colleges and corporate.

    GK Software Technologies is entirely different from other institutions; we have multiple foreign languages, technical courses & developments, Recruitment and HR services under one roof! This makes unique in the industry.

    20 years of our journey took different dimensions from foreign language training and translation to technologies and recruitment.

    After 70% of your course completion, we put you through our HR managers. They will take care of your career till you get the job in India or in abroad.

    Yes, if you have prior experience, you will get a job as a developer or trainer. If you are a fresher, we will take as a trainee and further you will be positioned as per your performance.


    #3, AV Square, 1st Floor, Block 7, BEML Layout,
    Srirampura 2nd Stage, Mysuru - 570023, Karnataka.

    Pranav N

    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...


    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...

    GK Tour

    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...

    Mahadeva Prasad

    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...

    GK Software Technologies

    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...


    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...

    Roja Kv

    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...


    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...

    Nagabushan Naik

    In terms of the work itself, I've found it to be challenging yet rewarding. more...

    Krishna Prasad

    Good environment and teaching IT course.  



    very good  


    Kamakshi prasad

    Good environment place  


    Rakshaa Saini

    Nice work space  



    Good company  


    Jeevan Mahesh



    Manoj Manoj



    Arun. R



    Mohan Kumar



    Bhoomika B



    Ravi Achar



    Vinayakrishna Bhat



    Shashank NR

